Rio de Janeiro (informalmente referida como Rio 7) é um município brasileiro, capital do estado homônimo, situado no Sudeste do país Maior destino turístico internacional no Brasil, 8 da América Latina e de todo o Hemisfério Sul (em 08), 9 a capital fluminense é a cidade brasileira mais conhecida no exterior, 10 funcionando como um "espelho", ou "retrato" nacional, sejaBrasilien Das wilde Leben in den Slums von Rio de Janeiro Vor den Olympischen Spielen steckt Brasilien in einer tiefen Krise Doch es gibt Orte der Hoffnung Die Favela Vidigal soll zum Modell für die Wandlung von Rio werden GEOReporter Jan Christoph Wiechmann und Fotograf André Vieira haben dort einige Monate gelebtRio de Janeiro ˈʁiu d(ʒi) ʒɐˈne(j)ɾu, ˈʁiu d(ʑi) ʑɐˈne(j)ɾu, amtlich portugiesisch Município do Rio de Janeiro, ist nach São Paulo die zweitgrößte Stadt Brasiliens und Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen BundesstaatesSie liegt an der GuanabaraBucht im Südosten des Landes Der Name (deutsch Fluss des Januar) beruht auf einem Irrtum des Seefahrers Gaspar de Lemos, der die Bucht
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Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's thirdmost populous state, after São Paulo and Minas Gerais Part of the city has been designated as a World Heritage Site, named "Rio de Janeiro Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea", on 1 July 12 as a Cultural LandscapeRio de Janeiro Living Morar Carioca, portuguese for Rio de Janeiro Living, is the name of the plan to turn all favelas into neighborhoods by Funded by City Hall, the Federal Government and the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), the program combines interventions to provide public services and to improve people's homes, along with the construction of new housing andRochina Favelas located In Rio De Janeiro it the largest Favelas in Brazil Rio De Janerio is the secondlargest city in Brazil There are over 700 different

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